Building Wealth Through Property
Brand New Property! Ready to Rent!


For Sale
Property Type: House
4 Beds 2 Baths Approx 647 Square metres 2 car spaces

Brand New Property & Ready to Rent! Suitable for SMSF Purchase!

High rental yield Property to add to your portfolio!

Full Turn Key Package!

If you have Land and wanted to Build a Standard Home or a Dualkey or Duplex, we can assist with Fixed Price Turnkey Packages.

Contact Manoj on 0430 333 570!

Disclaimer: Impressive Property Sales acts as the selling agent for the vendor/builder. Whilst we believe all information gathered is reliable and accurate we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information, nor do we accept liability should there be any delays or changes made by the developer or vendors. Any person relying on such information should ensure that they make their own investigations.*Fixed site costs Terms and Conditions apply. Builder reserves the right to revise plans, specifications, facades and prices without notice or obligation. Artist impression used for illustrative purposes only. Actual home colours, materials and finishes may vary. All facades are face brick only unless otherwise specified.

Heating & Cooling

  • Air Conditioning

Outdoor Features

  • Fully Fenced
  • Remote Garage

Indoor Features

  • Dishwasher


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